This branch of industry in
Fannin County, is yet in its infancy, and may be discussed within
very narrow limits. Up to date it is confined to flour, wine, cider,
whiskey, cigars, furniture, wagons and buggies, and lumber.
M. S. Fisher, is the most extensive flour manufacturer in North
Texas. He operates two large flouring mills, one of which is
situated in east Bonham, and the other, about two miles south on
Bois d'arc creek. The mill at Bonham is used more for neighborhood
purposes, and its capacity is only twenty-five barrels a day, but
the one on Bois d' are is the most extensive and complete machinery
of the kind in the state. The engine is one hundred horsepower, and
the machinery for manufacturing flour is the "Hungarian System" with
the latest improvements. The building is five stories high and every
floor is a mass of machinery that is like so much Greek -to the
uninitiated. This factory has 'a capacity of two hundred barrels a
day. Three grades of flour are manufactured, the most inferior of
which will class, good family flour. The other grades are superior,
and all of them find ready sale in the local and other markets. Mr.
Fisher supplies the local demand, and averages an car-load per day
for other markets. He supplies all the towns on this division of the
T. & P. Road, from Texarkana to Sherman. He gives as good or better
grade of flour, than foreign factories, freight is saved, and his
prices by the carload are less than other dealers can offer.
The value of the "Roller Mills" will probably reach $25,000.00, and
take the lead of the manufacturing interest in Fannin County.
There are other flouring mills in the county, but they are used only
for neighborhood purposes..
M. C. Fletcher, of Bonham, is perhaps the most extensive grape
grower, and wine and cider manufacturer. Ms vineyard is situated in
the western portion of Bonham. His wines are excel-lent, and he has
no trouble in disposing of them. Making vineyards, is becoming
popular in the county and it is likely that the manufacture of wine
will one day be a leading industry, to which the lighter nature of
the soil, in the northern portion of the county, is peculiarly
The only distillery in the county is situated about thirteen miles
north of Bonham, and is operated by McRea & Sons.
Messrs. Taylor, Hawkins and Taylor are the only manufacturers of
cigars. This factory is situated in Bonham, works from four to six
hands, and turns out an average of 1,000 cigars a day. Their goods
are favorably received, and supply the local demand besides filling
a good many foreign orders.
W. C. Grace is the proprietor of the Bonham Wood Shops and Furniture
Factory. The mills are situated in south Bonham, making quite an
addition to that portion of the city.
On the East side of the square in Bonham, is situated the wagon and
buggy manufactory, owned and operated by Mr. V. A. Ewing. It is here
that the everlasting bois d'arc wagons and buggies are made. The
work turned out of this factory is inferior to none in the South.
Skilled workmen are employed, and the best of material used. A wagon
or a buggy made out of bois d'arc never gives way. The iron may rust
and rot, but the wood, never! Of course the factory is not confined
to the use of this timber, but it is made a specialty.
The manufacture of lumber is the only restricted branch of the
manufacturing interests in the county. There is plenty of timber
along the creek bottoms, especially on what is known as timber
creek, which runs between Bonham and the river on the north, but
none of this timber is the kind used in building. There is
absolutely no pinery in the county. The manufacture of bois d'arc
lumber is destined to become the paying part of lumber
manufacturing. Besides its durability, it is susceptible of the
highest polish, and when nicely finished and polished, paint and
varnish are dull compared with it. It grows to an immense size in
this county, with a tall clean trunk, out of which lumber is made
and used for the foundations of stone and brick buildings. In 1885,
an old wall was removed, for some purpose, which had been built for
25 years; four feet under the surface, the bois d'arc slabs were
found, perfectly intact, not even a worm hole, or a rotten speck to
be found.
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