Is south of Trenton about four miles and is near the Collin county
line, has a postoffice one store, one gin and mill, a church and a
Is a little village containing a postoffice, store, blacksmith shop,
church and schoolhouse, and is surrounded by a densely populated
country. Land is worth from $5 to $25 per acre.
Though only about three years old, has a population of 350 people.
It is situated in the south part of the county on the Missouri
Pacific railroad and surrounded by a country whose fertility cannot
be excelled in this or any other state there is in the town four
stores, that keep a general assortment of merchandise, one drug
store, four family groceries, three blacksmith shops with woodshops
connected therewith. There are two church buildings, one of which is
used for school purposes; two hotels, a good school, two lawyers,
two practicing physicians and a steam gin and grist mill.
Allen's Point
Is situated five miles northeast of Honey Grove; the surrounding
country embraces a fertile region of both black-waxy and sandy soil,
all of which is very productive. The North Bonham and Paris road is
the dividing line between the prairie and the timber. Honey Grove
Creek and Beaver Dam pool, furnish an abundance of water all the
year round. Allen's Chapel, a Methodist church, is a most excellent
and comfortable building, a large congregation worship here. There
is also a good school with an enrollment of 55 pupils and an average
attendance of 40. There is a steam mill and gin capable of doing all
the work for the community; one family grocery. There are many
beautiful farms in this vicinity; and an abundance of fruit of all
kind, grows here ; there are apple orchards which have borne fruit
for thirty years. The citizenship is as good as can be found
anywhere ; the people are nearly all comfortably situated, have good
homes, well improved, and are surrounded with all of the substantial
comforts of life ; they are kind and hospitable and give to visitors
a ready and hearty welcome.
Sugar cane has been tried and does well. Mr Allen has manufactured a
most excellent article of brown sugar and the industry proves to be
quite a remunerative one. Lands are worth from ten to twenty-five
dollars per acre.
Valley Creek
Is three miles southwest of Leonard, has one dry goods store which
keeps groceries and a general assortment of other goods, a steam
flour mill, a gin, a blacksmith and woodshop, has two, churches,
Presbyterian and Christian; the population is about 100.
Grove Hill
Is four miles north of Leonard, has an excellent new school building
and a Masonic lodge, is a densely populated neighborhood, settled by
thrifty and prosperous farmers.
Is five miles northeast of Leonard. In this neighborhood is a fine
schoolhouse, which is also used for church purposes. The
neighborhood is fast settling up as the lands are very rich with
plenty of timber and an abundance of water easy of access.
Has a post office and one store; which is situated about five miles
north-west from Leonard ; nearby is a school house. The land around
Delba is very productive and the soil is so deep that it will last
Seven miles northwest of Ladonia, situated on a high, rolling
prairie, called Wood's prairie, the surrounding country is so
densely crowded, that it is almost a continuous village for several
miles. Handsome farms, elegant improvements, fine stock and
energetic people are to be found on Wood's prairie. This village was
founded two years ago, by Woods Bros., who came to Texas from
Illinois in 1842. Here is one dry goods store, at which is sold
fifteen or twenty thousand dollars worth of general merchandise, a
cotton gin, blacksmith shop and school building.
Is two miles from Arkada, a neighborhood noted for the energy,
enterprise and industry of its people. At this place is a good
school, under the supervision of Prof. Bowie, a cotton gin and mill,
run by Bartley Bros. The religious people are Baptists, Methodists
and Christians. Blodgett's store is in one mile of Arkada. In this
community there is quite a body of farms. The church of God,
Christians, Methodists, Baptists and Primitive Baptists, all have a
church in this community.
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