No where in the south, can
a higher standard of society be found, than in this county, taking
morality as a basis; and it has ever been thus. It is true that a
cosmopolitan population and an increase of wealth, has made a great
change in the social world of Fannin County, particularly in the
towns and villages, since the early days, but this change is only
surface deep. The people or those who largely compose society, have
the same standard of morals, the same Christian spirit, and kindly
feeling for each other, as in the old days; but they haven't the
same warm friendship and love of their ancestors, Friendship and
love in those days were born of, and kept up by a common cause; the
dangers and hardships, of a frontier life begot them, and those
dangers and hardships were of a kind that wealth could not
alleviate. No matter what was the financial condition of members of
a community, they were as dependent as the poorest class of people.
Before the building of any towns, or trading post, and for many
years after, the closest neighbors were two, five, ten and fifteen
miles apart. One little log church house, furnished a place of
worship for a radius of fifteen and twenty miles. Occasionally, on
Sunday, the people might be seen going to this church, but from
their appearance, the generation of to-day, would be likely to take
them for a mob, but for the ladies among them, for every man and boy
went armed. The cunning Indians soon found out their manners and
customs, and rarely ever failed to take advantage of every favorable
opportunity for murder and plunder.
While we today, have the opera, elegant balls, skating rinks ice
cream festivals, sociables, college commencements, and innumerable
other sources of social enjoyment, the first settlers, had only the
corn huskings the quiltings, the country dance, and the like, with
which to enjoy themselves; but on these occasions, when not under
restraint from fear of Indians, the social enjoyment was genuine.
Gossips were few and far between and the. studied deportment and
conduct which tends to diminish social pleasure, was not to be
found. At the quiltings, the older ladies took their seats around
the frames, adjusted their "specs" and began work with conversation,
not about their neighbors, not about styles and fashions, but about
the color and dimensions of the last, or next web of cloth; about
the latest dish some of them had improvised, or about the heroic
conduct of some one in repelling the last raid of the Indians ;
while the young ladies on the other side would chew their gum and
talk pleasantly about the last Sunday at church, or what a good time
they had at Mrs. Smith's last dancing party. How different now! What
a grand change fifty years has brought about! Yet this change has
been effected so gradually, that the old settlers of today can
scarcely realize it.
What would be the feelings .of the average city or village belle of
today, If she should see her young lady friend come out from the
house, dressed in homespun, wearing brogan shoes and a huge
sun-bonnet covering her sunny ringlets, lay one hand on the top rail
of a fence and leap to the other side with perfect ease, or see her
on her way to church, (they had economy clown fine then) with her
Sunday shoes tied together and swung across her arm, and carried
thus until she got within sight of the church house? Flirtation was
then indulged iii, perhaps as much or more than at present, but so
long as the youthful parties kept within bounds of propriety, the
young man was not liable to be shot down by a jealous rival or a
cranky kinsman, nor was the sensible young woman apt to commit
suicide if thrown over. When a visit was made, nothing short of the
entire day was counted. The guest took dinner, and unless they lived
several miles apart, generally stayed until supper. It was not
contrary to society laws to ask a visitor to take off her hat, as it
is now, for fear she will "mus" her bangs. The people, young, old
and middle aged, were perfectly free from the social restraint,
dudeism and finicky manners of the present generation, and its
A habit contracted in the early days by the male members of society,
is to some extent kept up by them until the present, and is readily
fallen into by the immigrant. I speak of their style of dress, which
seems to be a matter of little moment. If a stranger should
undertake to pass upon the mental, moral, financial and social
worth, of the male population of Fannin County by their style of
dress, in nine cases out of ten, he would be deceived. While they
dress perhaps, comfortably, and decently, there is an utter absence
of any pretensions to finery. But the case is quite different with
the other sex. While it may not be a very pleasant fact, to some who
may read this book, to record, yet, as I profess to deal fairly with
the Past and Present of this county in every matter of public
interest, without aspiring to criticism or reform, I feel that it is
my duty to mention the extravagance indulged in by many members of
this branch of society, whose pecuniary circumstances can ill afford
it. Of course it would be a desirable state of affairs if the wives
and daughters of poor and wealthy men could dress alike, but when
the daughters and wives of poor men, attend the opera and balls in
costumes that would do credit to the milliner of a banker's wife,
somebody must suffer sooner or later. This feature of our society
has been frequently referred to by the ministers of today. It
unquestionably keeps out of what may be termed the first circles,
many women, who would prove its ornaments. This inordinate love of
dress, and finery however, has been a feature of society, ever
since, or perhaps before the day that David's first love laughed at
him for dancing around the Ark of God in dishabille, and will
probably continue to be.
Modern society in Fannin County is inclined to piety. Most people
are members of some one of the many different churches, and the
impress of religious sentiment is plainly marked upon every social
assembly. The day 'is not far distant when social barriers will be-
erected for the habitual and occasional drinker, over which he will
not step with impunity. This may be deferred with the hope that
relief will come from a political source, but its consummation in
either event is only a question of time. The people of Texas are
taking the lead in many moral ideas of reformation socially, and
otherwise, and the scalp of the social evil, intemperance, will
doubt less receive their attention in due time.
In the social circles of Fannin County, the same rule applies to the
admission of strangers, as in the business world, and indeed with
good reason. In the early days, every stranger was joyfully received
and made to feel welcome and no questions were asked. He was at once
admitted to the social and business confidence of the settlers.
Generally, this confidant was not misplaced, but frequently the
open-hearted, honest people were deceived. For this reason, the
people of today exercise caution and discretion in selecting friends
and social companions. The honest stranger and homeseeker can't
understand this feature, but when he sees the reason there for, he
is willing to acknowledge that it is only justice to the whole of
Texas was once a rendezvous for the social skum of every clime and
the people have been imposed on so long and so often, it is but
natural that they should thus protect themselves. In a few years
however, this will be a feature of the past, for the status of
affairs is being rapidly reversed. A rigid code of laws, diligently
and vigorously enforced, has made Texas about the last place which
the refuse of society and criminals of other countries want to stop
in, while her natural advantages and the high standard of morals and
society are grand inducements to the best class of people to make
their homes within her borders.
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