By Judge J. P.
In 1838, the writer of
this article, with five other citizens of Bois d' Arc, were eager
and anxious for a buffalo hunt; so in the month of May we got our
wagons and oxen, guns and ammunition in readiness for the trip, not
deeming it advisable to take horse teams for fear of being left
afoot in the wilderness by the thieving Indians.
We traveled by Pilot Grove, where Kentuckytown now stands, kept the
divide between Red river and Trinity until we reached the Cross
Timber west of where Whitesboro now stands, and found immense herds
of buffalo. We killed five that evening and camped for the night,
feasting on fine buffalo beef and roasting the the marrow bones,
cracking the same and eating the marrow out of them. In the midst of
this delicious feast we were suddenly alarmed by the sound and rush
as of a mighty engine and cars on a railway, which was a new thing
in those days, thirty eight years ago. We all sprang to our arms,
ready for battle not knowing, from the heavy tramp, sound and snort
of animals; but that the whole Comanche nation were charging upon
us. Our alarm was soon relieved by ascertaining that it was an
immense herd of traveling buffalos. Thoughts of our oxen then
engrossed our mind. We supposed they had gone with the buffalo, and
most of the night was spent in consulting how we should get our team
and escape from the wilderness country.
Next morning all hands turned out hunting for the oxen. From the
trail of the buffalo it appeared that several thousand head had
passed. At 2 o'clock that clay, myself and another man started on
the wagon trail we had made in going out and followed the same until
we could ascertain whether our team had gone home or not. Traveled
ten or fifteen miles; found no sign of oxen; camped for the night;
did not sleep well for fear of Indians. Next morning the man who was
with me started for home, leaving me alone in that Indian country.
You cannot imagine my feelings under those circumstances, but I can,
and further on in this faint sketch you may form your conclusions
relative to my feelings. I do not make any pretensions to be brave,
for I can truthfully say I was greatly excited and felt afraid of
the scalping knife and tomahawk of the savage foe.
I started for camp and had not traveled far when I heard a strange
sound and saw a distressing sight. Three mounted Indians, armed and
equipped for battle with guns, bows and arrows, charged from the
brush about sixty yards from me and halted for a moment, when one of
them galloped his pony around me and came to my left; the other two
charging up to me on my right and halted. I asked them if they were
Shawnee, Delaware or Kickapoo. One replied Keachi, which still
increased my fears. When I first saw them I had strange feelings. It
was not a chill, but a trembling sensation ran over my system and
shook me from head to foot as though I had a hard hake of ague. My
voice trembled. I have heard of some being frightened so that the
hair of their heads stood on end, but my experience proved the
doctrine false.
It was my scalp that drew close to my skull, for my head ached.
After talking to themselves a few minutes in Indian, one asked me in
English what I was doing there. I replied as well as 1 could that I
was buffalo hunting and had a camp about fifteen miles off. At this
he made a, grunt and pointed at a path for me to take. I quickly
obeyed and started, one Indian on my right, one on my left and one
in my rear. We went a few hundred yards when I discovered some
buffalo on the right, which I pointed out to the Indians, who
hesitated a moment, then wheeled their ponies and started for the
buffalo. I kept my eye on them until they could not see me, when I
can tell you I did some pretty tall running for a number of miles.
My breathing apparatus was as good as a greyhound's; my body felt
light as a feather; I neither tired nor halted for miles; marching
as a captive, guarded by three Indians, expecting every moment to be
shot in the right, left or rear, not being the most pleasant feeling
I killed a fine buffalo, left it lying on the prairie, and went for
camp. Reached camp safe, oxen found and a fine quantity of meat
barbecuing; which had been killed by my colleagues in the hunt. We
secured our load of meat, and were to start for home in a few days,
when about forty Indians came and camped by us, killing meat and
drying for themselves. When we came in on the third evening after
the encamping of the Indians, our camp keeper (who was James Carter.
father or the widow Russell who lives near Bonham) informed us that
the Indians had that day made preparations to take our scalps at
night. Our meats went into the wagon, the oxen yoked and we started
in haste for home. We traveled fifteen or twenty miles that night,
freed from the Indians, and on our way rejoicing, none of us
wounded, killed or scalped. Spent the summer in eating delicious
buffalo meat; made no corn scarcely, it being an excessively dry
year. Thus ended our buffalo hunt from Bois d' Are, Fannin county.
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