In the years 1845-6 and
1847, the good citizens, of the county had a great deal of trouble
with a gang of thieves and outlaws. They were never able to convict
them before the courts, for want of evidence, and they were heartily
sore and tired of the repeated thefts and depredations of this band
of men. So, on one occasion, the whole southeast portion of the
county rose en masse, and arrested about fifteen men. They then
retired to a suitable place, elected a Judge, a prosecuting
attorney, and empanelled a jury. The accused were arraigned, tried,
found guilty of various crimes and summarily hung. Some of the
parties who were present at these trials are yet alive, and say that
there was no difference in the conduct of the trials before this
tribunal and the regular courts, except that witnesses in giving in
their testimony were not con-fined to the facts of one case, but
were required to testify as to every criminal act of the accused
within their knowledge. This immense latitude of the various
witnesses was Sufficient to make out a case against all the parties,
and the county was forever ridded of their presence and mischief.
A short while after this occurrence, the subject of this sketch,
Big. Horn Smith, (called so on account of a tremendous powder horn
he always wore) married the widow of one of the parties who were
hang. This fact taken in connection with others, and suspicious
circumstances, led his neighbors and the people generally to
believe, that he was particeps criminis, with the late gang of
thieves. He was accordingly notified to leave the county. This he
refused to do. A citizen by the name of' Nails, was delegated to
deliver the message to Big Horn, and from that day his spleen
against Nails steadily enlarged, until one morning they met at the
edge of Bois d' Are bottom. From this meeting until the terminus of
Smith's career, there are two versions of the story. One version
deprecates the course adopted and carried out by the people, while
the other approves it. Taking into consideration the late turbulent
state of the government, the unsettled condition of society, the
fact that Texas was then flooded with "bold bad men," and the wanton
disregard for human life on Smith's part, perhaps the latter version
of the case, is the better one.
As Nails drove out of the bottom on the other side of Bois d' Arc,
he saw Smith standing at the edge of the dense brush, with his gun.
He seemed to think that the only chance to save himself, was to leap
out of the wagon and wrest the gun from Smith, which he could have
easily done, as he was almost a giant in strength. As he jumped to
the ground toward Smith, the latter fired ; an ounce ball went
through Nails' brain. Smith fled into the dense swamp, and the young
man who was in. the wagon with Nails, brought news of the tragedy to
town. The Sheriff and his posse hunted the bottoms of Bois d' Are
long and thoroughly, but to no purpose; Smith could not be found.
Finally one day he was seen by a young man who undertook to arrest
him. Smith, shot the young man through the arm, from the effects of
which Wound he died shortly afterwards. Then Big Horn fled the
country, and stopped some-where near Austin. He had not been there
long when a young man from Fannin, who was over there on business,
recognized him, and secured his arrest. He was at once brought back
to Bonham. The Sheriff notified the district Judge, and a special
term was ordered, for the trial of Smith. He employed counsel, and
on the day that court convened, filed a motion for continuance.
During the trial of this motion the court took a recess for dinner,
and while the Sheriff was conveying Smith to a place of confinement
during the recess, he was .met by a body of men, who told Smith that
they wanted to see him have a fair trial, but that trial must be had
at once, and that if he persisted in his motion for continuance, and
the same was granted, he would not live to see the next day's sun.
Big Horn made some curt reply, and passed son. After dinner the
motion was pressed, and the grounds for a continuance were such as
to leave the court no ' alternative but to grant it, which he did
until the next regular term. That night Smith was taken -from the
room where he was confined, not clandestinely, but openly, and
carried a short distance from town and hung.
There are several yet living who witnessed this lynching, and for
many years afterward they made it convenient to hunt squirrels in
secluded woods, while the grand juries were in session.
Many of the older citizens believe that Big Horn was wrongfully
hung, and that he acted in self-defense in both instances. They
further believe that the suspicions of his rascality and connection
with any band of outlaws were wholly ungrounded, and that it was the
vast amount of stock and lands he was acquiring, which moved some of
his less thrifty neighbors to want him out of the county.
That question however, is not likely to be any better settled than
at present. Smith's story for meeting Nails at the edge of Bois d'
Are bottom, was, that he (Smith) had been to town that morning, and
had left his powder horn on the grocery counter, was going back
after it, when he saw Nails coming up oat of the swamp, through
which the road was only wide enough to admit the passage of wagon
and team, walled up on each, side with dense thickets, and was
waiting there for Nails to pass out. When Nails came up, he cursed
Smith and said to him, "I thought I gave you your orders to leave
this county!'' and jumped out of the wagon toward him, when he
There is but one Judge who has or will pass upon this case, and he
alone can right it. The popular mind however has already approved
the manner of Smith's going.
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