When a few old pioneers
with their families came into the territory out of which Hopkins
County was created there was no postoffice, no mails, no schools, no
newspapers, no store houses nearer than Clarksville or the "pin
hook" place known as Paris. What corn was used was hauled from the
Red, River District, bread was obtained by the use of mortar and
pestle, no mills for grinding had been erected nearer than forty or
fifty miles. The mortar was a small basin hollowed, out of a stump
or felled tree, mortised so as to have a capacity of half bushel or
a peck of corn. The pestle was a smooth piece of hard timber
something near the size of the basin in the mortar. This pestle was
attached to a lever. This lever was operated by one hand, raising
and lowering the pestle upon the corn in the basin. You now have in
your mind a clear picture of the meal making machinery in this
county fifty-five years ago.
When there was a scarcity of corn or when it could not be had at
all, the dry meat from the breast of wild turkeys and venison hams,
thoroughly dried, made pretty fair substitutes for bread. Some of
the old pioneers say that they have used such substitutes for bread
weeks at a time and yet they say that life was more enjoyable then
than now, with all of our patent flour and improved cooking. Meal
making was a slow process, of course, but there was no demand for
any great hurry in the business then. Nobody seemed to have any
ambition to get rich or to own the world, and there was nothing to
do but pound the meal in the mortar and hunt deer and other game
common to the country. Many of these grand old men and women still
live in the simple style of the good times of old, and it is their
delight to talk about the country and its inhabitants, as they knew
them in the day when old hunters flourished in the land.
One of these old pioneers, Uncle Henry Barclay, was particularly
interesting to the author in relating his varied experiences when a
boy in Hopkins County on Sulphur Creek. He pointed out where he had
stood in his yard and killed a deer. He lives in a log cabin on the
brow of the hill that overlooks the dense wild wood and forest
growth of Sulphur bottom, a grand old man, who fully realizes that
his race is about run. He settled where he now lives fifty years
ago. He showed the exact spot where a gray eagle had caught a calf,
where the catamounts had whipped his favorite dog. The spot where
the bear had so frightened his brood sow that she ran away back to
Red River County where he had got her from. He lives near Uncle
Perry Hargrave, another aged and esteemed old pioneer citizen who
has given the author many exciting and interesting incidents of his
long life in Hopkins County. He is old now and is suffering from
weakness of age. One of the leading characteristics of those old
settlers is their preference for old times. In their style of dress
and habits of life they adhere closely to the old ways.
One of these old men, Uncle Lodwick Vaden, eighty-three years of
age, mounted an old horse and rode, a few days ago, to Sulphur
Springs, his county town, and attended to his business and returned
to his home none the worse for his ride. The old pioneer hunters
often clothed themselves in garments made from the skins of wild
beasts. Their fashionable suits consisted of coonskin cap, panther
skin vest, buckskin breeches and rawhide foot wear.
Any of the old-time settlers in this county will tell you that the
wolves howled and the panthers screamed, the wild cat and the
catamount cried and the whippoorwill chanted its lonely, solemn and
melancholy solo around their lonely cabins in the woods every night.
Sheep had to be put in pens surrounded by high picket fences every
night, near by their owner's cabin, to save them from the wolves,
and many of the settlers kept young calves under their cabin floors
at night to protect them from wolves and panthers. Young people of
the year 1902 have no idea, not even the most remote, what hardships
their forefathers endured in the early settlement of Hopkins County.
A Mr. Payne moved into the county and settled in a log cabin on
South Sulphur Creek in an early day with his wife and two babies. He
was a poor man, and he had to seek employment in order to support
his wife and two infant children till he could get his own land
cleared. There was no one who could give him employment nearer than
twenty-five miles from his log cabin on Sulphur creek. He kissed his
wife and babies and left home on Monday, he camped where he had
employment to split rails by the hundred, and boarded himself and
returned to his family on Saturday nights. This poor man would chop
fire wood around his cabin all day Sunday, carry it on his shoulder
and stack it by his cabin for his wife and children to burn during
the week. He would eat supper at his humble home Sunday night and
walk twenty-five miles to his camp. By daylight Monday morning he
would be at his work, and till late Saturday night he would work
unceasingly from early dawn till late at night, do his own cooking
in his camp, and sleep by a fire in the woods. And all the time his
wife and two little children were in that lonely cabin in Sulphur
bottom, twenty-five miles away, with but few neighbors nearer than
four miles. Every night wolves would howl and panthers scream around
her lonely cabin in the woods. The hooting owl with its strange and
peculiar noise, the lonely, solemn cry of the whippoorwill, all
these things combined was a sufficient cause to age the wife and
turn her hair gray, and frightened the innocent babies out of their
senses. But she stood it like a heroine, and lives to-day, while her
noble husband is gone to learn the great secret and wait with the
angels in heaven for the coming
of his companion. One of these little children has long since grown
to womanhood and is the mother of a large and respectable family in
Hopkins County. "Every bitter has its sweet." "There are roses among
thorns and a silver lining to every cloud."
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