Facts from The Texas Coaster


Fort Bend County is absolutely unsurpassed in America for fertility. It will not produce wheat, because it is not a wheat country. It has the finest rice lands in the world, which are being rapidly developed. Its prairie lands yield from one-half to one bale of cotton to the acre, from twenty to forty bushels of corn, and all kinds of fruits except apples and other fruit requiring a cold climate. Oats will yield from thirty to forty bushels. Water can be obtained at fifteen to forty feet, and it is, good and clear. The bottom lands will produce from one to two bales of cotton, and from forty to eighty bushels of corn to the acre, and everything else that the prairie will yield. As a fruit country, no place can surpass it, and truck gardening cannot be done mare successfully anywhere.

It has fine cane lands, there being two large sugar mills in the county. There is also a paper mill.

Its market facilities are good. Two large cities, Houston and. Galveston, are but an hour's ride by rail from the county, while two trunk lines traverse it at right angles, leading to the principal points east and north.
The 'school and church facilities of the county are good and constantly improving, and the society will compare favorably with the most enlightened and, cultured of the older States. The laws are administered by the best set. of officers in Texas, and the evil-doers have a "rocky road to travel."

Taxes are lighter than in most of the counties of the State. Lund can be had at from, $5 to $30 an acre, accord-ing to location, but is rising rapidly.

Tho climate is mild. In winter it rarely goes below thirty degrees, while the summers are tempered by the cooling breezes of the gulf.

Politics cut but little figure. The county government is by and for the people, and under its system corruption is impossible.

The soil throughout the county is from eight to twenty feet deep, and is inexhaustible. Fertilizing is never resorted to, and is never needed. The soil ranges from sandy loam to black waxy. There is no stone or rock in the county to retard farm work. It is all pure soil, deep and rich, and highly susceptible to the touch of man. A small farm properly worked will yield its owner more clear money and comfort in Fort Bend County than almost anywhere else.

In fact, to the prospective settler there is no more favored country on God's footstool than old, Fort Bend County.

Fort Bend County

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Fort Bend County

Mier Expedition
Santa Fe Expedition
Businessmen of Richmond
Fort Bend Biographies
Land Titles 1824 To 1832
Fort Bend Military
County Officials Civil War
County Officials 1904

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Fannin County, Texas
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