Fort Bend County is absolutely unsurpassed in America for fertility. It will not produce wheat, because it is not a wheat country. It has the finest rice lands in the world, which are being rapidly developed. Its prairie lands yield from one-half to one bale of cotton to the acre, from twenty to forty bushels of corn, and all kinds of fruits except apples and other fruit requiring a cold climate. Oats will yield from thirty to forty bushels. Water can be obtained at fifteen to forty feet, and it is, good and clear. The bottom lands will produce from one to two bales of cotton, and from forty to eighty bushels of corn to the acre, and everything else that the prairie will yield. As a fruit country, no place can surpass it, and truck gardening cannot be done mare successfully anywhere. It has fine cane lands, there being two large sugar mills in the county. There is also a paper mill. Its market facilities are good. Two
large cities, Houston and. Galveston, are but an hour's ride by rail
from the county, while two trunk lines traverse it at right angles,
leading to the principal points east and north. |
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