The Great Flood of 1899


The Great Flood of 1899 did untold damage to Fort Bend County crops, stock, and agricultural implements were carried away in great profusion, and some lives lost. The town of Richmond, especially Railroad Street, was under water for several days from four to five feet, the water extending out into the prairie, and in places seven miles wide, completely surrounding the town. The higher parts of the town escaped overflow, but down Railroad Street towards the bridge the track was submerged. Many people were rescued, from trees by boats, most of who were of the colored population.

An Incident Of The Flood

Edmond Carter, a Negro man who still lives in Richmond, had quite an interesting and, exciting experience during the great overflow of the Brazos, as described above. He and others lived four miles from town, near the river, and the flood water surrounded them, cutting them off from all means of escape by flight. The water was from six to twenty feet deep. When it was no longer possible to remain in the cabins, Edmond placed eighteen women and children of his race in a large hack-berry tree, -and they remained there three days and nights until rescued by AT. D. Fields and others with skiffs. Dur-ing the time, one woman being overcome for sleep, persisted in doing so -and falling out into the water, and Edmond had to rescue her again and again, until fin-ally, he lashed her to a limb. When the people wanted water Carter would let his shoe down, with small rope attached, and bring it up in that manner until all were served.

When Edmond was brought off in the last skiff load and landed on high ground opposite the town on the east side of the river, where a camp with provisions had been established for the unfortunates, he called for Mr. August Meyer, and when asked what he wanted, said "I'll want a half and half gin and whiskey, quick." Jesse H. Croom brought Edmond to this country from Alabama before the Civil War. He owns 214 acres of land worth $20 per acre.

Fort Bend County

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Businessmen of Richmond
Fort Bend Biographies
Land Titles 1824 To 1832
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County Officials Civil War
County Officials 1904

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