First Court Held in Fort Bend County, Texas 


In book A of the records of Fort Bend County the following is the first entry made: February Term, 1838.

Be it remembered that on the 27th day of February, 18381 the Honorable the District Court four the County of Fort Bend was opened agreeable to law; present, the Honorable Benjamin C. Franklin, Judge of the Second Judicial Circuit.

At which time John V. Morton, Sheriff of this county, returned the venire (heretofore issued), executed on the following persons, to-wit:

First Jurors

L. M. Armstrong
David. Austin
William Beard
Joseph T. Bell
A. J. Bonds
Jahn L. Bryan
J. Coble
Patrick Darst
Abner Echols
B. E. Fenn
Randolph Foster
James Francis
John, Goodman
Thomas Hancock
Elliott Hodge
Ignatius Johnson
Henry Jones
James W. Jones
Samuel Jones
Moses Lapham
William Lindsey
William Little
William L. Little
G. W. Long
James B. Miller
G. W. Pentecost
James Pevehouse
S. Phillips
E. G. Rector
Coleman Reynolds
Thomas J. Smith
G. B. Tankerslly
H. M. Thompson
William Walker
Barney Wickson

From this list of thirty-five men were drawn the

First Grand Jury

William Walker, foreman
David Austin
William Beard
A. J. Bonds
J. Coble
Eli Fenn
John Goodman,
Ignatius Johnson
William Little
William L. Little
Henry Jones
Barney Wickson
G. B. Tankersly

First Case

John Colvin VS. James Wilson.
"The defendant not appearing when called, it is ordered by the Court that James W. Smith, Esq., be appointed curator ad hoc letum, and that the case proceed as though the defendant had appeared."
Farther on is this entry.

"It is ordered by the Court that H. E. Hudson and James W. Smith, Esq., be appointed a committee of examination during the present term to examine the claims of all applicants to plead and practice law in the several courts of this Republic." * * * "We have examined the claims of Wiley Martin to plead and practice law in the several courts of this Republic, and find that he is entitled to all the privileges of a member of the bar, and recommend his admission."

"The foregoing report appearing, it is ordered by the court that the clerk of this court issue such a license to the said Wiley Martin as is usual, and the court adjourn until tomorrow, 9 o'clock."

Next Term Jurors

"February 28th, 1838.
"Wednesday morning, 9 o'clock, court met pursuant to adjournment, when the following jurors were drawn to serve at the next regular term of court:

Wm. Andrews
L. Bradley
Jesse H. Cartwright
James Crank
J. Croft
John Cunningham
C. C. Dyer
P. Fairchild
John Fitzgerald
Hiram Goodman
James Goodman
Abner Harris
John Hodge
P. M. Hughes
Johnson Hunter
Robert Hunter
A. F. Johnson
John Levering
John Little
William Lusk
James W. Luth
Francis Mudd
N. Mudd
F. Paschal
John H. Pickens
Francis Quioto
David Randon
James Roden
Moses Shipman
A. Sigmas
Allen Vince
Richard Vince,
John D. Thompson
Joseph Thompson
John Turner
D. Wickson.

First Petit Jury

David Austin
James Croft
Abner Echols
John Goodman
William Goodman
J. Hargraves
Sam Jean
J. W. Jones
R. Jones
Hamilton Kiggins
Joseph Kuykendall
Geo. W. Pleasants

Fort Bend County

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