We are permitted, by
relatives of the deceased, to copy the following from a publication
at the time of her death.
"On the 25th of March, 1872, in Fort Bend County, Texas, Mrs. Lucy
Foster, wife of Randolph Foster, departed this life at the advanced
age of 72 years. Randolph Faster and his wife were among the first
settlers in Texas. They immigrated from Mississippi and settled on
the Brazos River, prior to most, if not all, of Austin's colonists,
with whom they became incorporated, and as such received their quota
of land from the Mexican government.
"At that early day they settled on the same spat where the subject
of this notice has resided ever since, and where she died,
surrounded by a numerous, family and a wide circle of friends, all
of whom mourn her loss as one whose place can never be filled. The
future of Texas can never again fashion characters such as her past
gave us. They were molded by circumstances peculiar to the times
that have passed away and can never return.
"Aunt Lucy' was a marked type of the women of her day in Texas.
During all of the trying times and scenes through which she passed,
from the date of her settlement in Texas to that of her death, she
was even the same kind, noble and generous to all. Her purity and
goodness were only equaled by the simplicity and unostentatious-ness
of her manners.
"As wife, mother, neighbor, she was a model. None knew her but to
admire the great simplicity and beauty of her character, and those
who knew her longest admired her most.
"But few of the 'Old Three Hundred' now remain among us. Thus, one
by one, they are passing away. Long since many names which were
conspicuous among the first settlers, have become extinct in Texas,
and very soon none of those dear and venerable links that connect
the long ago and romantic past of Texas with the stern realities of
the present, Still be with us. The fete that still linger with bowed
and whitened heads to contemplate the rich and glorious future of
their toil, which others are gathering around them, are justly
entitled to every honor and every comfort that is in our power to
bestow upon, them during the remainder of their days.
"Yes, the present and future people of Texas owe a vast debt of
gratitude to the living and the dead of that noble pioneer band. The
'Old Three Hundred,' who, amidst so many hardships, trials and
privations, selected this fairest and most genial domain, from
barbarism and dedicated it to productiveness and civilization, and
turned it over to those who should succeed them. What a heritage.
What noble disinterestedness! In the great contest for such a prize
in common with all the `Old Three Hundred' 'Aunt Lucy' Foster acted
well her part.
"May she rest in peace, and may her memory, with that of all her
compeers, be ever-cherished among the brightest jewels that adorn
the early history of Texas, who will perform the pleasing task of
gathering them all up, and giving them a setting, befitting their
brilliancy and richness."
"Richmond, April, 1872.
The writer of this history of Fort Bend County hopes that he is the
historian who has rescued these incidents and early history of the
pioneers of Fort Bend.
We also copy the following from an old print:
Death Of Randolph Foster
"Died, on the 18th instant, at the home of Thomas M. Blakely (his
son-in-law) in this county, Randolph Foster. Eighty-eight years ago
he was born in what is now the State of Mississippi, then a
wilderness, but little known to the white man. He was a, soldier of
the war of 18121 and was a, member for a while of the company
commanded by Captain Randall Jones, which was employed in holding
the Southern Indians in check while the war was raging in the region
now comprising the States of Indiana and Ohio. He was in Texas as
early as 1817, and his camp was situated but two miles from the spot
where he died. His presence here antedated the settlement of
Austin's colony. He knew Aaron Burr, General Wilkinson, General
Long, Colonel McGee, Colonel Kemper, Colonel Ross, David Crockett,
Ellis P. Bean, the pirate Lafitte, and others whose shadows flit
along the haze of early Texas history, and seem to Texans of the
present day as myths of the dreamy past. But 'Uncle Ran' was the
connecting link between the tradition era and the present time, and
authenticated as facts that otherwise might have been deemed
fictions of poets and, romantics. He was a mean of singular
simplicity of habits and character, generous hospitality, serene and
unostentatious in his piety, and though bold and fearless in
disposition, yet the most pathetic soul on earth. An acquaintance of
forty-one years with him, during which not a jar or a hard though
can be remembered, justifies the writer in saying that his like we
never saw, and may never see again. Death has been busy in our
midst, and rapidly from loves, bright circles the gems drop away,
and pass to brighter, holier worlds than this. His history should be
written by some one with a cooler brain, a steadier hand, and dryer
eyes than belongs to him who pens these lines.
"We plead
Teach us thy simple way, unveil the lure
Which waves of doubt and fear around us roll.
"We need
Thy steady grasp upon the helm,
thy pious love
To show that thou are not dead, but gone before." Fort Bend County
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