S E Terrell to Saint Marys Cemetery, Texas


A list of all cemeteries in Texas, first by name, county and location.  A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

For additional Texas Cemetery Listings please visit
AccessGenealogy  AHGP  ALHN  USGenWeb  USGenWeb Archives
National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database


Cemetery County Location
 S E Terrell Cemetery Kaufman Terrell South
 Sabanno Cemetery Eastland Sabanno
 Sabinal Cemetery Uvalde Sabinal
 Sabino Cemetery Willacy Paso Real
 Sacred Heart Cemetery Wilson Dewees
 Sacred Heart Cemetery Wichita Wichita Falls West
 Sacred Heart Cemetery Lavaca Hallettsville
 Sacred Heart Cemetery Lamb Bull Lake
 Sacred Heart Cemetery Harris Crosby
 Sacred Heart Cemetery Fayette Flatonia
 Sacred Heart Cemetery Falls Lott
 Sacred Heart Cemetery Carson White Deer
 Sadler Cemetery Coryell Coryell
 Sadler Cemetery Grayson Sadler
 Sagebiel-Keese Cemetery Gillespie Cherry Mountain
 Sahara Cemetery Liberty Whites Bayou
 Sahm Cemetery Comal Schertz
 Saint Aloysius Cemetery DeWitt Westhoff
 Saint Andrew Cemetery Polk Onalaska
 Saint Andrews Cemetery Atascosa Pleasanton
 Saint Andrews Cemetery Atascosa Pleasanton
 Saint Ann Cemetery Burleson Somerville
 Saint Annes Cemetery Liberty Huffman
 Saint Anns Cemetery Wilson Kosciusko
 Saint Bernard Cemetery Refugio Woodsboro
 Saint Boniface Cemetery Runnels Paint Rock
 Saint Dominic Cemetery Medina D'Hanis
 Saint Francis Cemetery Potter Mayer
 Saint George Cemetery Live Oak George West
 Saint James Cemetery Nueces Driscoll West
 Saint James Cemetery Harrison Marshall NW
 Saint James Cemetery Guadalupe Belmont
 Saint James Cemetery Guadalupe Seguin
 Saint James Cemetery Gonzales Dilworth
 Saint Joachim Cemetery Callahan Baird
 Saint John Cemetery Caldwell Dale
 Saint John Cemetery Gillespie Crabapple
 Saint John Cemetery Harris Rose Hill
 Saint Johns Cemetery Newton Shankleville
 Saint Johns Cemetery Newton Shankleville
 Saint Johns Cemetery Mills Indian Gap
 Saint Johns Cemetery Medina Quihi
 Saint Johns Cemetery Lipscomb Lipscomb
 Saint Johns Cemetery Caldwell Luling
 Saint Joseph Cemetery Lavaca Yoakum
 Saint Joseph Cemetery Jeff Davis Fort Davis
 Saint Joseph Cemetery Hill Penelope
 Saint Joseph Cemetery Hidalgo Donna
 Saint Joseph Cemetery Harrison Marshall East
 Saint Joseph Cemetery Harris Aldine
 Saint Joseph Cemetery Ellis Ennis West
 Saint Joseph Cemetery DeWitt Meyersville
 Saint Joseph Cemetery Bell Westphalia
 Saint Joseph Cemetery Bee Beeville East
 Saint Joseph Cemetery Atascosa Leming
 Saint Joseph Elmina Cemetery Walker New Waverly
 Saint Josephs Cemetery Runnels Rowena
 Saint Josephs Cemetery Medina Devine
 Saint Josephs Cemetery Anderson Northeast Palestine
 Saint Louis Cemetery DeWitt Yorktown East
 Saint Louis Cemetery Medina Castroville
 Saint Louis Cemetery Smith Tyler South
 Saint Luke Cemetery Young Lake Olney
 Saint Luke Cemetery Wilson Leming
 Saint Luke Cemetery Robertson Hearne South
 Saint Lukes Cemetery Robertson Calvert
 Saint Martins Cemetery McLennan West
 Saint Mary Cemetery Robertson Bremond
 Saint Mary Cemetery Potter Umbarger
 Saint Mary Cemetery Karnes Karnes City
 Saint Mary Cemetery Gray Groom
 Saint Mary Cemetery Gillespie Fredericksburg West
 Saint Mary Cemetery Archer Windthorst
 Saint Mary's Cemetery McLennan West
 Saint Marys Cemetery Williamson Taylor
 Saint Marys Cemetery Waller Waller
 Saint Marys Cemetery Refugio Tivoli
 Saint Marys Cemetery Orange Mauriceville
 Saint Marys Cemetery Falls Westphalia
 Saint Marys Cemetery Donley Clarendon

Cemeteries of Texas

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