Richards to Rockyford Cemetery, Texas


A list of all cemeteries in Texas, first by name, county and location.  A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

For additional Texas Cemetery Listings please visit
AccessGenealogy  AHGP  ALHN  USGenWeb  USGenWeb Archives
National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database


Cemetery County Location
 Richards Cemetery Milam Alcoa Lake
 Richardson Cemetery Tyler Hicksbaugh
 Richardson Cemetery Henderson Athens
 Richland Cemetery Burnet Smithwick
 Richland Cemetery Hill Frost
 Richland Springs Cemetery San Saba Richland Springs
 Richland-Benton Hill Cemetery Rains Emory North
 Richter Cemetery Burnet Smithwick
 Richter Cemetery Fayette Round Top
 Richter Cemetery Kendall Kendalia
 Riddle Cemetery Milam Rockdale East
 Ridge Cemetery Bowie Maud
 Rike Cemetery Collin Culleoka
 Ringgold Cemetery Montague Ringgold
 Rish Cemetery Parker Adell
 Rising Star Cemetery Galveston Texas City
 Rising Sun Cemetery Jones Smoky Draw
 Ritter Cemetery Denton Lewisville East
 Riverdale Cemetery Kent Hudd
 Riverland Cemetery Clay Riverland Cemetery
 Riverside Cemetery Clay Petrolia
 Riverside Cemetery Wichita Wichita Falls West
 Riverview Cemetery Baylor Seymour East
 Riverview Cemetery Guadalupe Seguin
 Riverview Cemetery Red River English
 Roans Prairie Cemetery Grimes Roans Prairie
 Roaring Springs Cemetery Motley Roaring Springs
 Roark Cemetery San Jacinto Westcott
 Robbins Cemetery Bastrop Cistern
 Roberson Cemetery Medina Devine
 Robert Cemetery Wood Rhonesboro
 Roberts Branch Cemetery Jack Lynn Creek
 Roberts Cemetery Travis Bee Cave
 Roberts Cemetery San Augustine San Augustine East
 Roberts Cemetery San Augustine Chinquapin
 Roberts Cemetery Haskell Irby
 Roberts Cemetery Harris Hockley
 Roberts Cemetery Cooke Leon South
 Roberts Cemetery Brown Owens
 Roberts Cemetery Bowie Dalby Springs
 Roberts Cemetery Bell Troy
 Roberts Cemetery Washington Chappell Hill
 Robertson-Henrys Chapel Cemetery Rains Arbala
 Robinett Cemetery Polk Onalaska
 Robinson Cemetery Montague Nocona
 Robinson Cemetery Montgomery Splendora
 Robinson Cemetery San Jacinto Stephen Creek
 Robles Cemetery Bexar Van Raub
 Robstown Memorial Park Nueces Robstown
 Roby Cemetery Fisher Royston
 Rochelle Cemetery McCulloch Rochelle
 Rochester Cemetery Haskell Rochester
 Rock Cemetery Wheeler Kelton
 Rock Church Cemetery Brown Blanket
 Rock Church Cemetery Lampasas Rumley
 Rock Creek Cemetery Jack Bryson
 Rock Hill Cemetery Wood Pleasant Grove
 Rock Hill Cemetery Van Zandt Edgewood
 Rock Hill Cemetery Franklin New Hope
 Rock Hill Cemetery Bowie Hooks
 Rock Hill Restland Park Cherokee Berryville
 Rock Island Cemetery Waller Howth
 Rock Spring Cemetery Mills Big Valley North
 Rockdale Cemetery Haskell Lueders NE
 Rockfield Cemetery Wood Mineola
 Rockland Cemetery Houston Lovelady North
 Rockport Cemetery Aransas Rockport
 Rockvale Cemetery Burnet Smithwick
 Rockwall Cemetery Jasper Boykin Spring
 Rocky Hill Cemetery Angelina Huntington
 Rocky Hill Cemetery Madison Connor
 Rocky Hollow Cemetery Williamson Leander NE
 Rocky Mount Cemetery Houston Porter Springs
 Rocky Point Cemetery Van Zandt Iron Bridge Dam
 Rocky Point Cemetery Rains Emory South
 Rocky Springs Cemetery Angelina Huntington
 Rockyford Cemetery Lamar Roxton

Cemeteries of Texas

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