Old Pearland to Ozro Cemetery, Texas


A list of all cemeteries in Texas, first by name, county and location.  A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

For additional Texas Cemetery Listings please visit
AccessGenealogy  AHGP  ALHN  USGenWeb  USGenWeb Archives
National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database


Cemetery County Location
 Old Pearland Cemetery Brazoria Pearland
 Old Pine Grove Cemetery Nacogdoches Cushing
 Old Piney Grove Cemetery Cherokee Jacksonville East
 Old Plantation Cemetery (historical) Houston Wyser Bottom
 Old Pontotoc Cemetery Mason Pontotoc
 Old Prison Cemetery Cherokee Rusk
 Old Prospect Cemetery Panola Old Center
 Old Prospect Cemetery Rusk Trawick
 Old Providence Cemetery Milam Calvert
 Old Raleigh Cemetery Navarro Blooming Grove
 Old Ranch Cemetery Jim Wells San Patricio
 Old Raotireno Cemetery Zapata Zapata NW
 Old Red Rock Cemetery Bastrop Red Rock
 Old Rehobeth Cemetery Fannin Gober
 Old Rock Hill Cemetery Cherokee Berryville
 Old Rock Hill Cemetery Henderson Brownsboro
 Old Runnels Cemetery Runnels Hatchel
 Old Salem Cemetery Milam Rockdale East
 Old San Felipe Cemetery Val Verde Del Rio SW
 Old San Patricio Cemetery San Patricio San Patricio
 Old Sanders Cemetery Montgomery Magnolia West
 Old School Hill Cemetery Eastland Huckabay SW
 Old Shady Grove Cemetery Houston Fodice
 Old Town Cemetery Brooks Falfurrias
 Old Trinity Cemetery Tarrant Haltom City
 Old Troy Cemetery Bell Troy
 Old Union Cemetery Leon Robbins
 Old Union Cemetery Collin Celina
 Old Union Cemetery Bowie Corley
 Old Union Hill Cemetery Cass Sardis
 Old Valera Cemetery Coleman Valera
 Old Valley Mills Cemetery Bosque Valley Mills
 Old Waverly Cemetery Walker Maynard
 Old Wellington Cemetery Collingsworth Wellington
 Old Zion Cemetery Houston Ratcliff
 Old Zion Cemetery Freestone Donie
 Olde Cemetery Bosque Mosheim
 Oldham Cemetery Somervell Nemo
 Oldtown Cemetery Wise Bridgeport West
 Olivares Cemetery Starr San Isidro
 Olive Branch Cemetery Wise Chico
 Olive Cemetery Hardin Kountze North
 Oliver Cemetery Victoria Nursery
 Oliver Cemetery Travis Signal Hill
 Olmos Cemetery Starr Rio Grande City South
 Olton Cemetery Lamb Olton NE
 Olympus Cemetery Childress Garden Valley
 Oneal Cemetery Lampasas Castle Peak
 Oneill Cemetery Gonzales Leesville
 Onstot Cemetery Hunt Wolfe City
 Onstott Cemetery Fannin Dodd City
 Opal Cemetery Wise Cottondale
 Opp Cemetery Menard Fort McKavett
 Orchard Cemetery Fort Bend Orchard
 Oriana Cemetery Stonewall Peacock
 Orphanage Cemetery Fannin Lamasco
 Orth Cemetery Young Olney
 Osage Cemetery Coryell Coryell
 Osage Cemetery Colorado Borden
 Oso Cemetery Gonzales Cost
 Oswald Cemetery Bosque Clifton
 Otto and Offer Cemetery Llano Castell
 Our Lady of Guadalupe Cemetery Guadalupe Seguin
 Our Lady of Mercy Cemetery Hidalgo Mercedes
 Our Lady of Victory Cemetery Bee Beeville West
 Our Lady of Victory Number 2 Cemetery Bee Beeville East
 Owen Cemetery Henderson Coon Creek Lake
 Owens Cemetery Anderson Berryville
 Owens Cemetery Fannin Lamasco
 Owens Cemetery Houston Grapeland
 Owens Cemetery Nacogdoches Cushing
 Owens Cemetery Navarro Goodlow Park
 Owensville Cemetery Robertson Owensville
 Oxford Cemetery Madison North Zulch
 Oxsheer-Smith Cemetery Milam Hanover
 Ozias Cemetery Angelina Zavalla
 Ozias Cemetery Angelina Zavalla
 Ozro Cemetery Ellis Maypearl

Cemeteries of Texas

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