Aanonsen to Anacuitas Cemetery, Texas


A list of all cemeteries in Texas, first by name, county and location.  A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

For additional Texas Cemetery Listings please visit
AccessGenealogy  AHGP  ALHN  USGenWeb  USGenWeb Archives
National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database


Cemetery County Location
 Aanonsen Cemetery Van Zandt Prairieville
 Abbott Cemetery Hill Abbott
 Abbott Springs Cemetery Polk Trevat
 Abbott Springs Cemetery Polk Trevat
 Abel Cemetery Austin Burleigh
 Aberdeen Cemetery Nueces Oso Creek NE
 Abilene State Hospital Cemetery Taylor Abilene East
 Able Cemetery Cooke Leon South
 Ables Springs Cemetery Kaufman Ables Springs
 Abshier Cemetery Liberty Whites Bayou
 Achterburg Cemetery Guadalupe New Berlin
 Acker Cemetery Stephens Wayland
 Acrea Cemetery Erath Bluff Dale
 Acton Cemetery Hood Acton
 Adams Cemetery Shelby Hurstown
 Adams Cemetery San Saba Richland Springs
 Adams Cemetery Panola Galloway
 Adams Cemetery Jim Wells Orange Grove
 Adams Cemetery Colorado Alleyton
 Adams Cemetery Coleman Webbville
 Adams-Little Memorial Cemetery Houston Weldon
 Adath Emeth Cemetery Harris Houston Heights
 Adath Israel Cemetery Harris Houston Heights
 Adath Yeshurun Cemetery Harris Houston Heights
 Adcock Cemetery Orange Terry
 Adkins Cemetery Colorado Ellinger
 Adobe Cemetery Presidio Adobes
 Adobes Cemetery Presidio Adobes
 Affleck Cemetery Washington Brenham
 Afton Cemetery Fisher Hamlin NW
 Agua Dulce Cemetery Starr Las Escobas Ranch
 Ahavath Achim Cemetery Smith Tyler South
 Ahrens Cemeteries Gillespie Cherry Mountain
 Aiguier Cemetery Hopkins Tira
 Akain Cemetery Denton Ponder
 Akers Cemetery Cooke Whitesboro
 Akers Cemetery Grayson Howe
 Alameda Cemetery Eastland Kokomo
 Alaniz Cemetery Duval Rosita
 Albert Cemetery Fayette Industry
 Albin Cemetery Comanche Gustine
 Albion Cemetery Red River Negley
 Albritton Cemetery Liberty Shiloh
 Aldine Cemetery Harris Humble
 Alexander Cemetery Polk New Willard
 Alexander Cemetery McLennan Eagle Springs
 Alexander Cemetery DeWitt Edgar
 Alexander Cemetery Collin Anna
 Algoma Cemetery Harrison Marshall East
 Alief Cemetery Harris Alief
 Allard Cemetery Erath Stephenville
 Allday-Jones Cemetery Milam Baileyville
 Allen Cemetery Van Zandt Wills Point
 Allen Cemetery Lavaca Oakland
 Allen Cemetery Jasper Beech Grove
 Allen Cemetery Hays Buda
 Allen Cemetery Grimes Carlos
 Allen Cemetery Fannin Ector
 Allen Cemetery Colorado Alleyton
 Allen Cemetery Bell Belton
 Allen Cemetery Walker Huntsville
 Allen Chapel Cemetery Fannin Selfs
 Allens Cemetery Austin Wallis
 Alley Cemetery Colorado Alleyton
 Alligator Cemetery Henderson Leagueville
 Allison Cemetery Grayson Dexter
 Allison Cemetery Tyler Kirkpatrick Lake
 Allison Cemetery Williamson Granger Lake
 Alphin Cemetery Madison Elwood
 Alpine Cemetery Gregg Longview Heights
 Alsup Cemetery Smith Starrville
 Alta Loma Cemetery Galveston Hitchcock
 Altman Cemetery Erath Carlton
 Alvarado Cemetery Atascosa Rossville
 Amargosa Cemetery Jim Wells San Diego NE
 Ames Cemetery Liberty Daisetta
 Amherst Cemetery Lamb Bull Lake
 Amity Cemetery Dickens Dickens North
 Anacuitas Cemetery Hidalgo Mercedes

Cemeteries of Texas

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